Basic Rules

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General Rules:

  • Do not RDM - Random Death Match. Do not kill anyone for no reason.
  • Do not break NLR - New Life Rule. Once you die in a raid you cannot go back. If you die somewhere you cannot go back for 5 minutes.
  • Rocket boots are to used for 5 seconds with a 10 second cooldown.
  • Do not FailRP. You cannot run around in meditation mode, you must follow orders.
  • FearRP is enforced. If you are surrounded with low HP you must listen to them. You cannot warp away or fight back.
  • You cannot warp in combat.

Raid Rules:

  • Factions must wait 60 minutes in between raids on the same place.
  • Factions must wait 20 minutes in between raids (on different factions).
  • Peaceful factions such as the Jedi must have a valid reason to raid anyone as the Jedi were supposed to be peaceful. A reason may be: A friendly hostage, they took your holocrons.
  • A raid victory can be called when all of the enemy faction has died or left the planet.
  • Raided planets must be taken back. You can start a takeback 10 minutes after the raid finished.
  • Once you die in a raid you do not go back.

Saber Rules:

  • All sabers must be length of 42 except for Sith Sorcerers and Jedi Sage, who get 32 length.
  • Dual hilts are limited to Darth + in Sith, Jedi Master + in Jedi, Veteran Knight in EE and custom jobs. Same with Dooku hilts.

Extra Rules Written By Wheatley:

FailRP/ FearRP
When You are surrounded and at low HP you give up (No Suiciding, Rocket booting or Warping out the area).
When You are stripped you cannot use any items that were stripped of you ( binds must be clear. /me strips comms. means your weapons are still present but a /me strips. strips all weapons comm etc.).
When You are cuffed you cannot escape cuffs unless no one is present and your not in a cell. (This is not advised as this can be altered in certain situations).
When You are Perma killed (Also known as PK'd) you are no longer able to be your character (rank reset and a name change) No smart names as: John Will > John Will II. names must be different showing you are dead.
When You are a Jedi you must learn to be peaceful no killing sith troopers if they aren't fighting you (Jedi have mercy)
When You are a class that isn't allowed to have a dual saber/ dooku saber you must either donate or remove the saber hilt.
When You are a Bounty Hunter You can jump around (this activates a tiny jump boost if not held, that is fine) do not hold jump and fly around for more than 5 seconds then you have a 10 second cooldown.

A Faction must wait 60 minutes before raiding the same area (1 hour).
A Faction must wait 20 minutes before raiding another area.
A Faction must take back their base to regain control of it (wait 15minutes after raid was done).
A Faction must advert whether it was "Defend Victory" or "Raid Victory".

Do not RDM (Random death match) this may have many consequences going as high as a ban.
Do not execute targets before the duration (I am going to kill the target in 5 minutes. 1 minute 30 seconds later John will killed Will john using Tfa_swch_dual_dc17).
Do not instantly kill people in your base, ask them to leave. This can result in either one or both parties receiving a warn if this gets out of hand.

Asking for staff
Do not demand staff to come on (it makes playing the game a chore)
Do not ask for staff you apply (this can result in either a warn ban or kick)
Do not ask staff to "TP you" to an area. You have to walk.
Be patient when you need a staff to come, they can be busy dealing with other things but they will come to you.

An Alliance is caused by 2 or more factions coming together and having an agreement to not be hostile to each other (Bounties do not harm Alliances).
An Alliance still must PTW or PTE a restricted area.
Players must understand that both groups must follow the treaties agreement (Failing to do so can result in a Warn or Faction Kick or Exile)
Players in an Alliance are still allowed to act as they are (Jedi can't make sith be good in a treaty).
An Alliance can consist of multiple factions of any kind. (players do not take misc jobs being in an alliance(Tusken allied with jedi)).

Misc RP
A Faction (Sith, Bounty hunters and jedi) are able to have an item to RP kill and temp RP kill I will use the Bounty hunters as an example,
If someone or something is frozen in carbonite it is unable to retrieved without the consult of Cly. Other factions would be different.

Players and staff can have debates as long as they are appropriate.
Please be considerate to other players of their choice in a debate
Please keep foul language out of a debate (makes an argument hostile).
Players must keep beliefs out of a debate.
Staff word is final you may dislike a staff member but when asked to stop, you stop.

RP Guidelines
Make sure to have an appropriate name no hidden inappropriate jokes eg. Mike Hunt, Hugh Janus or Ben Dover.
Make sure your RP name is not a lore character eg. Do not name yourself "Darth Nihlus" unless you are the Darth Nihlus job.
Make sure to have fun, if you have a problem be sure to consult staff or the owner/ developer.
Be sure to act as your faction (Merciless sith and Peaceful jedi)

Welcome Back!

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The server is now open again. We have adjusted to fit into a missing area of servers in Australia and New Zealand since some servers went down. We are now focused on Star Wars Universe but at the SWTOR era. We worked quickly to get this server up and running for the community and it seems to be a hit so far. We hope you enjoy the server and have some good fun.

Also you may be wondering who I am? I am the new dev that works closely with VisionZ to keep the server up and happy.
